Center for Climate Impact and Action
Affiliated with UNIL and EPFL, the Center for Climate Impact and Action (CLIMACT) was officially launched in June 2021. The center's main objective is to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions through a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach. By working with various pillars of society such as media, politicians, and industry leaders, CLIMACT aims to bridge the gap between science and society. Through increased exchange and collaboration, we can accelerate a transformation towards a sustainable and inclusive future.
CLIMACT's unique approach to tackling climate change aims to be both innovative and inspiring. Our inter-institutional and interdisciplinary approach fosters a sense of community and encourages individuals from all walks of life to come together and work towards a common goal. By promoting awareness and facilitating discussions, CLIMACT is playing a vital role in creating a more sustainable future.
News & Articles
Inform about climate issues, explain the most recent scientific discoveries, dialogue with Swiss experts, highlight solutions for a sustainable transformation of our society.
Lake Geneva: When citizens participate in preserving the ecosystem
Climate change is having a profound effect on the Lake Geneva ecosystem, altering living conditions for many species and disrupting interactions within the food chain. The LéXPLORE platform relies on public participation to predict how the lake will evolve.
Olympic Games 2024: How do you ensure that the world's most-watched event is sustainable?
As the Olympic Games get underway in Paris on 26 July, it's a good time to look at the environmental impact of the world's most-observed event, and its potential to influence public perception of climate issues and raise awareness.
Prof. Martin Müller
Energy vs. Biodiversity?
Is rapid development of renewable energies possible without negatively impacting biodiversity? Answering this question by synthesising the existing scientific literature was the challenge facing this multidisciplinary UNIL/EPFL team made up of experts in both biodiversity and energy.
Dr. Alejandra Morán-Ordóñez
UNIL - FGSE, UniBern - IEE
Designed to help find high-impact, interdisciplinary solutions through direct dialogue with key actors engaged in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Using Switzerland's deep geological subsurface for CO2 sequestration and sustainable energy
Sep 23, 2024
10:00 - 11:15
BC 420, EPFL campus OR on Zoom
Presented by
Atmospheric Science Day 2024
Oct 31, 2024
23:00 - 23:00
IDHEAP Aula, UNIL campus
Poster Conference "Key aspects and current issues of climate change"
Dec 12, 2024
14:00 - 16:30
CO building, 1st floor, EPFL campus
Our Projects
Promoting concrete actions based on interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research as well as on a systemic approach to address the social, scientific, and technological challenges associated with climate change.