CLIMACT Scholars

How to set up an efficient publication strategy


Oct 30, 2023


07:30 - 10:30

How to set up an efficient publication strategy

Save-the-date for this workshop dedicated to ECRs!

CLIMACT team has prepared a workshop specifically dedicated to learn how to set up an efficient publication strategy, which will be facilitated by Prof. Julia Steinberger, expert in Ecological economics and mentor of the CLIMACT Scholars programme.

How to select a journal? How to plan a publication over time? How to respond to reviewers? Find out by participating actively and discussing with your peers.

The event is open to early-career researchers: PhD students and postdoc (within three years of their PhD). If you are working in the disciplines of natural science, engineering, and social and human science on topics related to climate change and sustainability, this might be for you.

Please note that:

  • The workshop requires around two hours' preparation beforehand.
  • The number of places is limited and will be attributed on a first come, first serve basis.

Please register by 23 October with this link.